Get buckets of Fort Wayne wholesale flowers to arrange yourself or take to your local florist. Delivery to a local venue or Fort Wayne florist can be arranged for a fee for large orders. We are also happy to sell wholesale to Fort Wayne florists.
Simply interested in a bouquet or two for personal use during the season? Email us at [email protected]
Simply interested in a bouquet or two for personal use during the season? Email us at [email protected]
what's in season?
Here at Hungry Dog Farm, we grow outside and in unheated greenhouses. This means we do not have all our Fort Wayne flowers all the time. Here's a sampling of what we might have at any given time of year. Inquire for specifics, as each season varies according to temperature and other factors.
Dahlias, lisianthus, snapdragons, zinnias, strawflowers, sunflowers, celosia, statice, ninebark, feverfew, snow on the mountain, orach
Dahlias, lisianthus, snapdragons, zinnias, strawflowers, sunflowers, celosia, statice, ninebark, feverfew, cerinthe (honeywort), calendula, snow on the mountain, orach
October (Until Frost)
Dahlias, lisianthus, status, straw flowers, zinnias, sunflowers, statis, feverfew, celosia, plectranthrus, asters